

In 1994 Lighttools founder Stephen Pilby invented Soft Egg Crates (original black) to give photographers and cinematographers unprecedented levels of soft light control. Lighttools continues to light the way with the patented CUfocus - the world's first, full source close-up Soft Egg Crate, Ultra Soft Egg Crates (33% grey) and the ez[POP] Soft Egg Crates for faster set-up with a built-in tensioning frame.

These Soft Egg Crates come in a variety of cell sizes, each with different effects, fitting most softboxes, butterfly and overhead frames. If you can't get the perfect light from 400+ Soft Egg Crates configurations, they can be custom built to your exact specifications. Lighttools is at the forefront of soft light control, offering you uniquely different ways to shape light.