Parallel beam attachment for DLED2-BI, DLED3-D, DLED3-T, DLED3-BI
Manufacturer: Dedolight
Product Code: DPBA-BI6
Parallel beam attachment for DLED2-D, DLED3-D and DLED3-BI. It's the smallest adapter for these heads and increases the output by:
DLED2-BI (daylight setting) - 205%
DLED2-BI (tungsten setting) - 222%
DLED3-D - 132%
DLED3-T - 106%
DLED3-BI (daylight setting) - 200%
DLED3-BI (tungsten setting) - 190%
PB adaptors both boost the output of the light fixture and create a virtual lightsource distance, this provides a quality of atmostpheric realism and shape.